Wednesday, December 1, 2010

To Blog or Not To Blog

My need for an online voice began when I was pregnant with my son. Yes, I had been a facebook user since high school, but as I began to go through a uniquely personal and transformative process, I found that the online forums and communities were the perfect place for a grumpy, nauseas, worried, excited, anxious, ecstatic pregnant woman. I was able to share my fears and wishes with thousands of other women who were due the same month as me, and through these forums I found support and information that has helped me develop my identity as a mother.

One pretty big thing was missing however - people that I could relate to geographically and therefore culturally. No matter how American I may be (and I'm told often that I'm "SO American"), I do live in Israel and my reality is very much Israeli. So I'm on a quest to experience my American motherhood in Israel in a way that others might find relatable, and at least entertaining. I have big dreams of directories and forums for those of us here in Israel, and I hope that one day those dreams can be realized. But for now, why not start sharing the experiences on a smaller scale? So, I have decided TO BLOG. I can't promise it's going to be riveting, but I can promise to be honest, and to try to be helpful.

Looking forward to having you all join me on this Blogging Journey!